Sunday 9 February 2025


   The subjoined letters, whilst they show the authority
by which this compilation is offered to the army, indicate
the plan on which it was originally designed to be exe-
cuted. It was soon perceived however, from the mingled
character of the legislation, that the arrangement suggest-
ed could not be adhered to—a single act often embracing
provisions under each of the several heads of division.
This indeed, the compiler, from an acquaintance with the.
few acts which had previously come under his observa-
tion, was already aware of and ought to have borne in
mind; but at the moment of the suggestion. he was rather
looking to what should be, than to what was, the actual
state of things.
   It was not without reluctance that he undertook the
task, of pronouncing upon the repeal of the several laws:
First, from a doubt of his ability—amidst a press of cur-
rent duties which more than shared his attention, to de-
cide accurately upon so many nice and difficult points;
and secondly, from a conviction, that the question of repeal
is purely a judicial one, belonging to the competent tri-
bunals to determine. It is, indeed, a right which they
cannot surrender; one which no other power can legally
exercise. With these impressions, the notes of the com-
piler have been made, and though they may be found
expressed in terms somewhat positive, they should only
be regarded as references, or passing admonitions, ema-
nating from authority too humble to be taken as conclu-

 pdf02Military laws of the United States: to which is prefixed the Constitution of the United States

12 Military laws of the United States